Saturday, November 25, 2023

Change is Happening!

We are in the end of times and the beginning of times. This is creating lots of turbulence in the energy fields as old structures are collapsing. We all feel it and the temptation is to resist, but that won't serve where we are going. It helps to know what's happening is evidence of our planet being upgraded. This is a good thing.

With Love,



Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Unreasonable Self Opinions

We have an opinion of everything, and yet the biggest focus of these opinions is always upon ourselves. How we perceive ourselves dictates practically everything we do and feel. The strange thing is this perception is created in an arbitrary way by comparing and judging ourselves subjectively, then adopting those judgments as truth. This process can be quite random. 

 The way you might “feel” today, what you “feel” you need to do, and even who you should be for others, is dictated by those judgments and ideas you created about yourself. You decided what you are good at, what you are bad at, your faults, the good bits, things you "hate" about yourself, what you deserve, etc. 


Because we love to analyze ourselves to death, we then resort to creating unreasonable self-opinions. What we think we know of ourselves, we now feel the need to BE a second person that others will like, by meeting the expectations we "think" they must be liked. What a merry go round. The hamster wheel of death.


This is so consuming and then life becomes an extremely long battle of trying to be liked and chasing the expectations of others. And yet in all of this, we are simply trying to like and love ourselves past the negative self-opinions and expectations we created. 


The good news is these ideas are simply subjective beliefs and judgments that come from the past, and we don't have to let them have power over us. We can CHOOSE to accept them for what they are, release them and become comfortable, content, and FREE in who and what we are. 


We can look within and dissolve every self-opinion that has been accidentally created. We are that powerful.

With love,


Tuesday, November 14, 2023



Dissolving ideas we think are important can cause a crisis of subjectivity. At least this is how its played out for me. As we journey through the abyss of inner work, we begin to perceive all these thoughts and ideas have become traps and limitations we made for ourselves. 

The last thing we feel like doing with the "knowing" is differentiating our reality, because we enjoy sitting in the comfort zone of familiar. And yet, familiar never removes the fact we have BECOME these ideas from which we live our existence. 

The accumulation of ideas, thoughts, fears, expectations, values etc. can lead each of us to ask, what do I think about my life and why?? And then another EXCHANGE will begin.

With Love,


Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Trust and Goodness

Constantly questioning your thoughts & behaviors isn’t helpful. Theres a lack of confidence and peace which come with this exercise, and can lead to all sorts of mistrust in self and others. It’s living from survival and anxiety. I did this for years and it led me further away from my soul. Not only does it stifle power & potential, but traps the mind into cycles of unbelief that speak lies against one’s innate goodness and uprightness. You are everything!

With Love,


Thursday, November 2, 2023

Musing of Peace

I wonder if creating places we need to be, things we should have and do, and the endless striving around becoming someone, leaves us stuck walking the treadmill of endless planning in our lives?

I used to think at the end of the rainbow there would be a pot of gold waiting for me. Yet, what if the gold is the present moment of where I am NOW or where you are NOW?

The search for inner peace only creates an ironic paradox, where the seeking can actually take a person further from inner peace. The desired outcome creeps away, and what was wanted is then out of reach. 

Each day I would find myself creating this new and improved idea of where I'd find this magical place so serene. I was so trapped in the cycle of "searching for something” that it became an ungrounded desperation to be honest.

My thoughts went something like this; when I travel to this place I've never visited THEN.. or when I get more money THEN... or when the perfect relationship arrives THEN... All in the hope these things would bring me inner peace. 

As I walked this path to nowhere, the common thread I discerned was how my mindset became one of lack. This led me to strategize on how to get out of lack. It was an intrusive mind fuck that on most days kept me up at night. I was so invested in doing this plan to save the day, my thoughts kept me out of inner peace. Go figure.

It wasn’t until I was exhausted by my own coping & devising that inner peace settled into my heart. I discovered peace could be found in the absence of a plan, in the absence of a projection, to even ceasing the rumination of someday I will find it. 

When I stopped the search I also discovered FREEDOM. Freedom from the plaguing thoughts and fruitless efforts that had driven my life. Inner Peace is being where I am in the present with nothing missing or broken. Are you desiring inner PEACE?

With Love,


About Face

It's a wild unearthing when the who you thought you needed to be dissolves. When you no longer need to play the part of the false you which stems from conditioning you were taught to believe. This for me has been the turning point to experiencing deep & lasting joy, love, and peace. What has been the greatest pivot in your life?

With Love, 


Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Deep Joy

The deepest JOY I’ve experienced is when I’m not chasing what I believe will bring it. This includes all the people, places, or things I think I might need to live a satisfying life. 

Instead, my bliss is taking each present moment as it comes, and choosing to enjoy it deeply. To hone in on the good things that can be found in each unfolding. 

This doesn’t mean everything for me is a mountaintop or even a valley. Some things are just not extreme in their outworking. No matter how my present tumbles in, it’s a tremendous gift to even be here to experience it. This is my celebration of today. What’s yours?

With love,



Is Religion Relevant Today? A Shift Towards Personalized Spirituality

Let us dive into a topic that’s been buzzing around lately: Is religion still relevant in our fast-paced, tech-savvy world? With all the adv...